Traditional wool culture
The region where our Russian socks come from has been known in Russia for centuries for its wool. It was populated until late in the 19th century by itinerant tribes with freely grazing herds, living off sheep and goat farming. Plenty of room, after all! That is why there is still a strong wool culture in that area today, which you can see in many local markets. Wool products are still made in an artisanal way and transported from there to all corners of Russia.
And yes, sometimes someone asks the question about the ecological footprint of our products. It is hard for people from the overcrowded West with its mass consumption to imagine that large parts of Russia are very sparsely populated and that people there still live in the same traditional way as before. THERE you will find the answer and proof that man and nature can live in balance. As long as we stop building and overpopulating every square meter, at least….